

To improve mental health outcomes for the transplant community by harnessing the power of shared knowledge and lived experience

Thetransplantnetwork people


Through the use of unique and engaging online multimedia content, users of The Transplant Network website have the opportunity to hear the personal testimony and experiences of patients and families who have lived the transplant journey as well as get insights and helpful information from medical professionals and other experts. This powerful tool informs patients in an effort to demystify the reality of the journey. Covering relevant topics from pre transplant, through time in hospital during transplant and right through to life post transplant.


The Transplant Network seeks to build a supportive community where all benefit from the personal testimonies of others. To that end, patients, families, donors and doctors have the opportunity to speak and tell their own powerful stories. This avenue of personal contribution both empowers and connects patients every step of the way.


The Transplant Network Incorporated is particularly mindful of the role that good post-treatment support plays in a patient's long-term recovery. The Transplant Networks ambition is to provide specialist resources to recovering patients to assist in building healthy minds and bodies to sustain a full and happy life post transplant.

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The Transplant Network Incorporated is a registered charity with the ACNC. Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.